Tuesday 28 April 2009


Tuesday 28th April

I have received a copy of the latest unemployment figures for Birmingham, which are very worrying indeed. As of March 2009, the unemployment rate in Birmingham was 11.8%, compared with 8.2% a year ago. This is apparently one of the fastest increases in the country by a major city. This compares with the national average of 5.5% and the West Midlands average of 7.1%. The Council is trying halt this by working with large employers, developing an apprenticeship scheme for young adults not in training or employment and expanding the benefit advice service.


  1. And whats the rate in Brandwood? After all we are 10th worst area in UK according to Nu-Liarbour figures are we not?
    What exactly are The Liberal Tory council doing for Brandwood, other than supporting local florists?

  2. Its about 10% in Brandwood Ward. The Council are doing the above.
