Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Potential expansion of Colmore School

Wednesday 7th July

I have learnt that Birmingham City Council is proposing to expand and enlarge 16 primary schools over the next few years across Birmingham. This affects the residents of Brandwood Ward, particularly around the Kings Heath area as there are plans to expand Colmore Junior and Infant Schools.

The first round of consultation starts on 21 June 2010 and will run for one month until 21 July 2010, once there are more detailed plans a further consultation will run for 1 month from 9th September 2010. I have raised concern about the lack of the time for the consultation and what consultation is being done with the residents.

Whilst I support our local schools, I am concerned about the impact of the proposed expansion on the residents that live within the area. I would be interested to hear your comments, thoughts, concerns ?

Key points from the consultation document:

• The Council are introducing these changes due to the expected shortage of places at schools over the next few years.

• The schools will grow by between 30 and 60 pupils per year for 7 years so the change in pupil numbers will occur gradually. No child currently at the schools will have additional pupils admitted into their year group.

• The proposed increase in places means that some building work at the majority of the 16 schools will occur before the proposed expansion by September 2011 when the Council are proposing these changes.

• These are only proposals - it will not definitely go ahead. There is a statutory process the Council must follow to make these sorts of changes to schools. The final decision will be made on 25th October 2010.

• This was not proposed sooner as the Government only recognised the shortage of places at school last year when they released funding for local authorities to bid for to provide additional places. Birmingham was one of the successful bidders but the funding was not released until late last year.

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