Monday, 26 July 2010

Colmore J&I School expansion response

Monday 26th July

I have written to the Council on behalf of the residents about the proposed expansion of the Colmore J&I School. I have 2 young children so I am committed to the improvement of education of our children and have taken pride in the fact that Birmingham schools have gone from strength. Colmore is a popular local school with a high demand for places.

We have spoken with a number of residents about the Colmore J&I school proposals and they have a number of concerns.

How would the additional places impact upon the other children ? It would put pressure on the other facilities within the school ? How many additional classrooms would need to be built ?

The playgrounds are already just about accommodating the children who go to Colmore School. Where would all the children go with the expansion?

There will be a strong impact on the local residents within the area, especially for residents that have houses that surround the school. I know that the school have tried to work with partners to stop parents from driving their children to school and parking inconsiderately but it is still a problem. By expanding the school it would make this worse.

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